My Myers-Brigg personality type is an ENTP. Each letter stands for something, the E means that I am more Extroverted than Introverted. The N is for Intuition over Sensing, the T means that I think or feel. Lastly is P an that means I Perceive over Judge. Some of the famous people that share my personality type are Alexander the Great and Walt Disney. I think my personality type describes me rather well. One of the things that was right on was that ENTPs are curious and I think of myself as a very curious person. There is always something new that catches my interest everyday. Another thing that was spot on about me was that I don't like to judge people quickly, I don't know what their situation is and its not correct to just quickly label someone without getting to know them better. One of the things that wasn't exactly right about me was that ENTPs don't like to do things the same way every single time. If a method works for me ill us...
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